Bannack 4: Macro Abstract


1. Ring; 10/20/2011; 12:57 pm; Bannack Ghost Town; f/6.3; 1/20; Canon PowerShot SX30 IS; macro

2. Dirt; 10/20/2011; 12:46 pm; Bannack Ghost Town; f/4.5; 1/500; Canon PowerShot SX30 IS; macro

With my camera set on Macro Mode, I took a close shot of a metal ring, I liked the detail of the ring and the blur on the background. I then took another Macro shot of the dirt I was standing on. After uploading the pictures to my computer I opened the ring image in Photoshop. I then did an overlay layer of the dirt and produced the image above. I had originally planned to mask out some of the texture, but after seeing the result I decided I liked the dirt all over the picture, it gives it a more rustic, water damaged look.

Bannack 3: Reverse Shallow Depth

1. Depth; 10/20/2011; 2:59 pm; Bannack Ghost Town; f/4.5; 1/100; Canon PowerShot SX30 IS

2. Depth 2; 10/20/2011; 3:00 pm; Bannack Ghost Town; f/4.5; 1/50; Canon PowerShot SX30 IS

To capture depth of field, I first focused on the spoons. I then held the shutter halfway down as the camera focused on just the spoons, and took the shot. Without moving too much, I refocused my camera onto the sewing machine. I again held the shutter halfway down, waited for the camera to focus only on the sewing machine and took the shot. I did not do any editing to these pictures.

Bannack 2: Action Blur and Freeze

1. Lasso; 10/20/2011; 12:43 pm; Bannack Ghost Town; f/6.3; 1/160; Canon PowerShot SX30 IS

2. Ghosts; 10/20/2011; 12:24 pm; Bannack Ghost Town; f/2.7; 13; Canon PowerShot SX30 IS; Tripod; self-timer

In order to capture the action freeze shot, I increased my shutter speed to be able to catch a still shot of the moving lasso. I also added a bit more blue to the top of the sky, because it was partly blown out. As for the “ghost shot” or the action blur, I first found a dark place, placed my camera on a tripod, and turned on the ten second self-timer. While using shutter priority, I lowered my shutter speed to 13 seconds. After the self-timer stopped, I had my models move out of the picture after six seconds of standing there. I waited for the last 7 seconds to finish and I was left with ghosts.

Bannack 1: Portraits

1. Portrait 1; 10/20/11; 3:23 pm; Bannack Ghost Town; f/5.6; 1/160; Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL; Manual; Remote Flash

2. Portrait 2; 10/20/2011; 12:14 pm; Bannack Ghost Town; f/4.5; 1/200; Canon PowerShot SX30 IS

3. Portrait 3; 10/20/2011; 12:39pm; Bannack Ghost Town; f/4.5; 1/500; Canon PowerShot SX30 IS

4. Portrait 4; 10/20/2011; 12:09pm; Bannack Ghost Town; f/4.5; 1/200; Canon PowerShot SX30 IS

For these portraits I increased the warm light in Camera Raw. This added a softer touch to the light and enhanced some of the other colors. I then opened each picture in Photoshop to smooth out there skin, and fix a few stains on the red shirt. I enhanced all the eyes with the dodge tool. I also added the white crescent moon below the iris of the eyes. Lastly, I added some highlights to the hair in the 1st, 2nd, and 4th picture. None of the background were changed except for the second one, there was a yellow box behind the model so I painted over it with the matching red.

Week 5: Enhancements


1. Enhancements; 10/14/2011; 12:41 pm; Rexburg, ID; f/5.6; 1/320; NIKON D7000; Remote flash on a tripod


2. Replace Color; 10/7/2011; 9:54 pm; Rexburg, ID; f/2.6; 1/13; Canon PowerShot A570 IS


3. Match Color; 10/15/2011; 12:58pm; Rexburg, ID; f/4.5; 1/160; Canon PowerShot A570 IS

3.Picture used to match color; 10/15/2011; 1:00pm; Rexburg, ID; f/2.6; 1/125; Canon PowerShot A570 IS

1. Photo Enhancements: I started with touching up her eyebrow, I just wanted to smooth out a few of the hairs. I then used the spot healing tool to go over any blemishes or spots. After the spots were covered, I smoothed out the rest of her skin using the eyedropper and paint brush. Her eyes were then enhanced with some coloring and highlights below her iris. Lastly I whitened her teeth using a saturated layer and painting away part of the top layer.

2. Color Replacement: I first selected the white face mask with the lasso tool. After that I used the replacement tool and change the hue to a green to make the mask look like an avocado mask.

3. Match Replacement: The picture I chose had a red tint on all the faces so I chose a picture taken in the same location with better lighting. All I had to do was match the color and Photoshop changed the tints. This picture was taken after my camera malfunction occurred and the picture turned out very grainy. I tried to reduce the noise and sharpen the picture, but it is still not as clear as I would like it to be.

Week 5: Portraits

1. Side Composition; 10/15/2011; 1:00pm; Rexburg, ID; f/4; 1/50; Canon PowerShot A570 IS; used zoom with a large aperture and spot metering.

2. Head Shot; 10/14/2011; 12:41 pm; Rexburg, ID; f/5.6; 1/320; Nikon D7000; remote flash and tripod

3. Full Body; 10/16/2011; 4:26pm; Rexburg, ID; f/4; 1/80; Canon PowerShot A570 IS


4. Group Activity; 10/16/2011; 5:16pm; Rexburg, ID; f/3.5; 1/60; Canon PowerShot A570 IS

5. Group Posed; 10/15/2011; 12:58pm; Rexburg, ID; f/8; 1/30; Canon PowerShot A570 IS

6. Individual Environment; 10/15/2011; 11:37 am; Rexburg, ID, f/5; 1/15; Canon PowerShot A570 IS

I had to edit all of my portraits this week. I was having a malfunction with my camera, which caused all my pictures to be grainy. To help fix the problem I had to blur or add a artistic filter to all but the first and second backgrounds. The second picture was taken with the class camera and came out exactly how I wanted it. I edited it in camera raw to slightly darken the background and change the levels.

Week 4: Camera Raw

1. Playground; 11/6/2011; 11:39am; Porter Park; f/5.5; 1/160; Canon PowerShot A570 IS

2. Jungle Love; 9/24/2011; 12:25pm; Idaho Falls, ID; f/8; 1/30; Canon PowerShot A570 IS

I edited both pictures in the Adobe Bridge program. For the first one, I increased the vibrancy, but lowered the saturation to decrease the neon look. I then added blue to the sky, and whitened the snow with the corrective brush. For the second picture I increased the vibrancy, and decreased the exposure to darken the picture. I did not want to edit the pictures too much, because I do not like the neon/unrealistic coloring camera raw has. I’d rather slightly enhance the original picture to make it better, and not like a new picture.

Week 4: Panoramics

1. Number 1; 10/7/2011; 11:19am; Rexburg, ID; f/4; 1/500; Canon PowerShot A570 IS

2. Number 2; 10/7/2011; 11:19am; Rexburg, ID; f/4; 1/320; Canon PowerShot A570 IS

3. Number 3; 10/7/2011; 11:19am; Rexburg, ID; f/4; 1/200; Canon PowerShot A570 IS

4. Number 4; 10/7/2011; 11:19am; Rexburg, ID; f/4.5; 1/500; Canon PowerShot A570 IS

5. Number 5; 10/7/2011; 11:19am; Rexburg, ID; f/4.5; 1/500; Canon PowerShot A570 IS

1. Number 1A; 10/7/2011; 11:27 am; Porter Park; f/5.5; 1/20; Canon PowerShot A570 IS

2. Number 2A; 10/7/2011; 11:28am; Porter Park; f/5.5; 1/20; Canon PowerShot A570 IS

3. Number 3A; 10/7/2011; 11:28am; Porter Park; f/5.5; 1/25; Canon PowerShot A570 IS

4. Number 4A; 10/7/2011; 11:28am; Porter Park; f/5.5; 1/20; Canon PowerShot IS

5. Number 5A; 10/7/2011; 11:28am; Porter Park; f/5.5; 1/15; Canon PowerShot IS

6. Number 6A; 10/7/2011; 11:28am; Porter Park; f/5.5; 1/10; Canon PowerShot A570 IS

For the panoramas I followed the tutorial given to us. For the Spori Building picture I added color to the sky and brightened the rest of the picture, but only slightly. For the tree picture, I cropped the edges and added a fill over some of the trees and grass to give it the look I wanted. Blending pictures together and using content fill on the pictures is a great principle to remember for future use.

Week 3: Flexible Layers

Bench; 9/24/2011; 12:26pm; Idaho Fall, ID; f/6.3; 1/320; Canon PowerShot A570 IS

For this edit I followed the directions on #CL 3 and used an adjustment layer with black and white. I then applied a mask, and used the paintbrush tool to bring back the coloring of the leaves. It isn’t a big change from the original, but I think the black and white brings out the shadows and adds dramatic light.

Pole; 9/24/2011; 12:37pm; Idaho Falls, ID; f/8; 1/320; Canon PowerShot A570 IS

For this one I added an adjustment layer to change the levels of the pictures. Once the sky was the color I wanted it, I added a mask and made the leaves and trees lighter again. I did keep some of the mask on the larger tree, because I like the contrast.

Duck; 9/24/2011; 12:56pm; Idaho Falls, ID; f/5.5; 1/125; Canon PowerShot A570 IS

#CL 23 helped me edit this picture. I first converted the picture to a smart object, then added the plastic wrap filter. After the filter was applied I used the black paintbrush to hide the filter on the background.

Week 3: Flora and Fauna

1. Rawr; 9/24/2011; 12:28pm; Idaho Falls, ID; f/5.5;1/320; Canon PowerShot A570 IS

2. Greenery; 9/24/2011; 12:24pm; Idaho Falls, ID; f/5.6; 1/30; Canon PowerShot A570 IS

3. Tortoise; 9/24/2011; 1:17pm; Idaho Falls, ID; f/5.5; 1/500; Canon PowerShot A570 IS


I made slight adjustments to images one and two, I only changed the levels to darken the shadows and make the lion and the plant stand out more. For the tortoise picture I cutout part of the background. The picture originally had a zoo worker in it so I used the partial cutout technique we learned in week one to cut the person out and add the black background.